Friday, October 2, 2009

Friday Diversion : The Walls are not Cheese

Super fun game called The Walls are not Cheese.

Just move the Purple Square (you) around with the arrows, aim and shoot with the mouse (to go through walls and to kill Blue Squares). It gives you this tip, but it's useful to know going in, hold shift to collect debris (Brown Spects) to re-load your amo. Don't run into any Blue Squares and I'm not sure of the goal, whether you have to kill all the Blue Squares or just get to the end of the path, I'm pretty sure it is to get to the end of the path. It seems a little lame, but once you try it, it will be addicting.


College Athletes Test

Test for college athletes
Open Book. Time Limit: 3 Weeks
1. What language is spoken in Russia?
2. Present a dissertation on the ancient Babylonian Empire, with particular reference to architecture, literature, law and social conditions; -OR- provide the first/last name of God.
3. Would you ask William Shakespeare to (a) sail the ocean (b) lead an army, or (c) WRITE A PLAY?
4. What religion is the Pope: (a) Pakistani (b) Japanese (c) Agnostic (d) Is the Pope Catholic?
5. Metric conversion: How many feet are in 0.0 meters?
6. How many commandments was Moses given (approximately)?
7. What are people in America’s far north called? (a) Southerners (b) Not Southerners.
8. Six kings of England have been called George, the last one being George the Sixth. Name the previous five.
9. Can you explain Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity? (a) yes (b) no.
10. What are coat hangers used for, other than unlocking car doors?
11. Which part of America produces the most oranges? (a) New York (b) Canada (c) Belgium (d) FLORIDA.
12. Where is the basement in a three-story building located?
13. Advanced math: If you have three apples, how many apples do you have?
14. Where does the rain come from? (a) The sky.
15. Essay: In 20 words or less, list all of the words you know. (HINT: These are words.)

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Best Name Anagram is a simple web application that takes text input of any kind, and determines what the best anagram is that can be created using those letters.

Ashleigh's anagram name is SHH! AGILE
Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz = MR JOCK, TV QUIZ PHD, BAGS FEW LYNX

Any other funny ones? Submonkaaay them!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Takashi Itoh's Watermellon Carvings

These are carved Watermellons by a Japanese artist named Takashi Itoh. I really like the flowers the best. And when he leaves more of the dark green like in the first flower. (Click a picture for a larger view) See more Watermellons.

Douglas Adams Quote 4

Flying is learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.

Douglas Adams

WiFi Dowsing Rod

"The Wifi Dowsing Rod by miket. "Todays technology advances at such a speed that often consumers are left in awe of it all. The high tech terminology, the ultra small, ultra portable, metallic or white devides we carry around with us are, to the vast amount of consumers, simply baffling. The Wifi Dowsing Rod aims to work against this. By basing the design for a wireless internet detector on century's old technology, the user feels immediately at home with the product, whilst feeling less intimidated by the simple shape and natural materials.""

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Kanye Apology Generator

haha don't need to describe this, just go do it!

p.s. I used SHANKING!

Monday, September 28, 2009


Illusion Monday will now become Helpful Tip Monday, which will mostly be the re-purposing an item post.

Wednesday will still be Food Day.

Friday will still be Cute Picture Day now with a twist of Friday Diversion. Oh yeah so stay tuned for that.

Douglas Adams Quote 3

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.

Douglas Adams

Re-purposing Item: Magnet

Attach a magnet to the inside of a metal medicine cabinet, and you can promptly pluck tweezers (or nail clippers) when needed.

I'm going to try this with a magnet strip and my bobby pins which always seem to escape from the little container in my drawer.
