Friday, October 9, 2009

Love signs?

Series of signs in Bigola, NSW, Australia on telephone poles along Barrenjoey Rd, the busiest road in the area.

Bears Playing on a Swing Set

And one of them goes down the slide! Too cute!

Friday Diversion : Cheese or Font

Cheese or Font

Very simple... game gives you a name you have to pick whether it is a cheese or a font. At the top it tells you if you are right and keeps track of your %. Good luck!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Winter Boo

Winter Boo submonkaaayed by Lynzi

During the winter months, life starts to slow down and most find themselves comfortable at home in hibernation mode outside of work and special occasions. Because of this, having a winter boo or snuggle buddy is helpful to get through this season of battling the elements. We are looking for hardworking, dedicated candidates that will make this season fun and exciting, making spring and summer feel like it’s right around the corner.


Be responsible to take out trash, warm up cars, do door drop-off’s/pick-up’s and carry in ALL grocery bags. Must be available for on most weekends, some weekdays if there is a paid holiday at work. Must be employed to be considered for this position.

Being well groomed and presentable is essential as you may be asked to escort to events such as: The Fair, Zoo Boo, Weddings, Thanksgiving family dinner, Christmas work functions, Christmas family dinner, New Year’s Eve and all things related to Valentine’s Day. Assignment will likely end immediately after Valentine’s Day if you are in the Southern region of the United States. Assignment for Northern states will end close to Easter Sunday. This is subject to change depending on “The Hawk” and Mother Nature.

Qualified candidates will be gainfully employed*, have a valid driver’s license, a reliable vehicle in THEIR name and THEIR own place of residence*. You cannot be currently living with a female who is not your cousin or sister, we are not looking for any momma’s boys.

Candidates must be chivalrous, courteous and available for movie night, game night, bowling and all other winter boo activities. Cannot be socially inept, must be able to interact with others without causing embarrassment. Must smell good. Ability to cook is preferred. Cannot be cheap-this is why you need to be gainfully employed.

  • There will be no benefits provided for this position-let me reiterate that you need to be gainfully employed.
  • There is no relocation package included; you must be a local resident.
  • For all * qualifications, you will be asked to provide proof.

You cannot be married or in a winter boo agreement with another party. That is grounds for automatic disqualification.

Winter Boo Application

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Heart

Will beat 73,333 times, pump 1,076 gallons of blood, and push that blood nearly 8,533 miles throughout my body!

Created by

Strange Fish Story

Caught 1.5 Miles from Shore

Where was this deer going?!

Blood Energy Potion

"The Blood Energy Potion ($6.00) has same color, look and similar nutritional makeup to real blood. For vampires? "The fruit punch flavor packs 4 hours of energy along with iron, protein, and electrolytes. Not only does Blood Energy Potion have a similar nutritional makeup to real blood, but it has the same color, look, and consistency of blood. Get real blood nutrients without that real blood taste! The re-sealable transfusion bag style pouch provides the convenient delivery of fluids for vampires and humans alike! Contains no real blood, just synthetic! " "
monkaaay wants bloooood...

Velveeta Fudge Squares

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

Re-purposing Items: Ketchup

Original purpose: Flavoring Mom's meat loaf.

Aha! use: Portioning pancake batter with precision―and without the usual mess of transferring batter from the bowl. Squeeze out baby-size or plate-size rounds, or add Mickey Mouse ears to a batch of silver dollars.

Reward: Restaurant-worthy flapjacks.

Ransom Note Generator

Ransom Note Generator

1. Do some crime.*
2. Enter your ransom note text in the box to the right.
3. When done, click "Generate Ransom Note".
4. A printable ransom note will be created for you.

*Note: Use for entertainment purposes only.
