Friday, October 30, 2009

-----Walmart Coffins-----------------------------------------------

So I heard about The Walmart selling coffins starting this week on their website. I heard that they were in the category called "For the Home". But where to go after that?
Bedding?.... no, if it were bedding it would have to be under 'eternal bedding'...

Outdoor Livng?... no, we need 'outdoor unliving'...

Storage?.... maybe.... no

Apparently there is a hidden category in For the Home called "Funeral", but I didn't see it, so I just did a quick search of casket and found 14 results. 10 of them are out of stock. Looks like they range from $895 to $2,899. Most of the links don't seem to work, maybe because so many people are looking at them. Also these coffins are only available online, so there isn't the ability to try them out in the stores. I guess it rids the need for another set of fitting rooms.

Here we have the Lovely in All Ways.

Shipping is much more reasonable than I thought at $99. "Estimated Arrival Date Mon, Nov 02 – Tue, Nov 03
Lovely in All Ways Stainless Steel Casket
This oversize item usually takes 0 to 1 business days to process before shipping.
It can be sent only by Freight shipping."

I want to be the first to review this product...

"The Lovely in All Ways coffin really is lovely. It is comfortable and the liner is really soft. I'm so glad that I decided to buy it from The Walmart. The whole experience from online to shipping to delivery was- wait... what's that? I see a light..."

Is it coincedence that this product come out the week of Halloweenie? I think if I were The Walmart I would have waited.

-----Cute Picture Friday: Baby Halloween Costumes-

-----Friday Diversion: Bomomo--------------------------------


Interactive artsy thing.

Select different types of lines to be created along the bottom, move the mouse around and click, just explore the possibilities.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

-----Happiness Hat-------------------------------------------------

Happiness Hat by designer Lauren McCarthy.

"A wearable conditioning device that detects if you're smiling and provides pain feedback if you're not. Frowning creates intense pain but a full smile leaves you pain free! The first in a series of Tools for Improved Social Inter-Acting.
An enclosed bend sensor attaches to the cheek and measures smile size, a servo motor moves a metal spike into the head inversely proportional to the degree of smile. Through repeated use of this conditioning device you can train your brain to smile all the time. The device runs on Arduino. "

So if this happiness hat senses that you aren't smiling, it shoves a metal spike into your head until you do. Sounds.... happy :)

-----Death Star Pumpkin-----------------------------------------

-----Future Portraits of the Stars------------------------------

"Ebony did a segment back in the 70's of what stars will look like in the future when they age...."

"Time can be a villain or it can be a friend. No matter which it chooses to be, it affects us all, some less than others. Chicago artist Nathan Wright thinks time will be kind to today's Black stars. They will bear up well in the coming years. Ebony commissioned the Chicago artist to depict what he thinks today's stars will look like by the year 2000..."

"Michael Jackson: At 40, he will have aged gracefully and will have a handsome, more mature look. In number, his fans will have grown tenfold by the year 2000."

-----Exhaust Bag Monsters-------------------------------------

Street Art: Joshua Allen Harris' Inflatable Bag Monsters

Using only tape and garbage bags, Harris creates giant inflatable animals that become animated when fastened to a sidewalk grate.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

-----Did Schwarzenegger hide F-bomb in veto letter?-

"SACRAMENTO, California - Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger typically attaches a message to bills he signs or vetoes telling lawmakers why he took the action.
But a Democratic assemblyman who heckled the governor during a recent event in San Francisco may have received more than one message: the veto letter itself, and a not-so-subtle rebuke creatively hidden within it.
Like a find-the-word puzzle, a second message is visible if one strings together the first letter of each line down the left-hand margin of the letter. If read in that way, a common four-letter vulgarity followed by the letters "y-o-u" is visible.

"My goodness. What a coincidence," said Schwarzenegger spokesman Aaron McLear. "I suppose when you do so many vetoes, something like this is bound to happen.""

HAHA 'My goodness. What a coincidence." hahahaha (Read the whole article at the above link, or click on the picture for a larger view.)

-----Food Day: Frog Eggs in Your Drinks----------------

For Halloweenie try making these cool frog eggs to put in your holiday drink!

"When soaked in water the seeds of several basil varieties become gelatinous, and are used in Asian drinks and desserts such as falooda or Sherbet. Such seeds are known variously as sabza, subza, takmaria, tukmaria, falooda, selasih (Malay/Indonesian) or hột é (Vietnamese). They are used for their medicinal properties in Ayurveda, the traditional medicinal system of India. They are also used as popular drinks in Southeast Asia." (From Wikipedia)

-----Buns Please--------------------------------------------------

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

-----Light Art---------------------------------------------------

Cool New Art

"Using traditional photographic techniques and pieces of complex shaped glass and plastics I project these patterns directly on to colour film. The resulting images and photographs that you see are purely analogue and are not computer generated, but a true representation of the patterns formed by the light beam after its complex journey through the refractive objects I create."

"For new viewers: These are light refraction patterns or 'caustics' formed by a light beam passing through a shaped and textured plastic form. Colour is added into the clear plastic which modifies the way the plastic hardens further enhancing the patterns.The pattern is captured directly on to 35mm film by removing the camera lens and putting the transparent object in its place. The processed film is digitally scanned for uploading."

Alan Jaras

Personal Website (Coming Soon)

-----Under the ruler faster than the ruler--------------------

A very interesting video that makes you really think! I thought of it like gears and you have to try to guess which way the cart will travel when moving the ruler in each direction and how fast the cart will go.


Monday, October 26, 2009

-----How does the computer mouse work?---------------

Ever wonder how the mouse works? How does the pointer on the screen move when you move the mouse? And what about when you click, how does the pointer do that?

Want to learn?

hehe the best is the clicking.

-----Head Spin Trick-----------------------------------------------

This is a really cool quick video that really messes with your brain!

-----Karma Cartoon Explaination-----------------------------

Re-purposing Item: Toothpick

Original purpose: Spearing hors d'oeuvres.

Aha! use: Marking a roll of clear packing tape. After each use, place a toothpick under the loose end. The next time you have something to seal, pick up where you left off.

Reward: Tape and fingernails that aren't picked to shreds.
