Thursday, August 13, 2009

mmm Chocolate, but eww chocolate babies

"Heart attack survivors who eat chocolate two or more times per week cut their risk of dying from heart disease about three fold compared to those who never touch the stuff, scientists have reported. ... Earlier research had established a strong link between cocoa-based confections and lowered blood pressure or improvement in blood flow."

Submokaaayed by Lynzi.

So don't feel guilty eating that Twix bar, becuase even if it has as much saturated fat as 12 strips of bacon, at least the chocolate part is good for you! (Click previous link to read more about that.)
Ew while searching for pictures of chocolate I found chocolate babies, google that. DO IT!


  1. you've officially ruined all of my future twix bar encounters.

  2. I know, but Lynzi ruined them for me so I had to pass it on so I wasn't the only one suffering sans twix bars.

