Thursday, December 17, 2009

-----Google times four---------------------------------------------

This site divides your browser page in 4 rectangular frames and opens up in all 4 of them for starters. After this you can proceed with normal browsing on individual frames.
For when you REALLY need to look some stuff up!
Like after a bunch of "who was in that movie?" and "what is the name of that game?" and "what was that huge nuclear disaster called?" from your lunch time discussion, now you can come back to your computer and really multitask to find all those important answer from the google god to the fourth power. Would be better if there were a snazzy name for it like google god quad.
("The fourth power and the fourth-root. The reason why squares (x^2) are called that is that they can be thought of as the area of the square with side x. In the case of cubes the volume of a cube with side x, but from the 4th on there is not any analogy with the physical world that can be made, since we live in only a 3-dimensional space, there are however shapes in 4 dimensions called polytopes one of which is the hyper-cube but since we cannot visualize it and since there is no such thing as a hyper-volume in the real world then the names for the powers stop at 3."
interesting fact brought to monkaaay by yahoo answers.)

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